Guitar Lesson 39: Exploring chords and substituting extensions for colourful rhythmic playing

Guitar Lesson 39: Exploring chords and substituting extensions for colourful rhythmic playing

Guitar lesson 39 is a study of chord types by working through many of the major and dominant possibilities. By adding each note of a scale to a triad, Dan shows me how to explore chord sounds rather than shapes.  We also look at upper extensions and finally look at one way to use chords which are out of key.  Dan also raises substitution as a way really build interest rhythmic parts.  Thank you for tuning in and for all your comments and support.

39 chords

Main timings:

00:01:26 Introductory questions and how to think about chords
00:05:43 How are chords formed and how do we name them?
00:15:53 Introducing the idea of adding each note in turn from the scale
00:16:38 Adding the 6 (A) = C6
00:20:47 Ear training, singing, melodies and active listening
00:35:09 The next note is the 7 (B) forming a CMaj7
00:39:43 Example of using as substitutions
00:39:56 Introducing the Blues as using dominant 7th instead of major 7th
00:44:55 Second octave
00:45:44 Forming a C9 by stacking the b7 and the 9
00:46:20 Stacking the major7 with a 9 = Cmaj9
00:47:25 Stacking a C9 (1,3,5,7,9) with an 11 = C11
00:48:56 Minor version with the minor 3rd instead of the major 3rd
00:50:49 Adding the 13 (A) = C13
00:55:39 Demonstrating substituting
00:59:23 Covering chords which fall out of the key

39 GH2

Detailed timings:

00:01:26 I introduce the lesson by asking for some input about how to think about and use chords
00:03:08 What chords (and scales) go together well and why?
00:05:43 How are chords formed and how do we name them to identify their structure?
00:10:39 Chords are not ‘shapes’, they are notes played together in quick succession
00:14:02 Using sus chords as passing chords
00:15:53 When considering all the different types of chords possible, then it is a case of adding each note from the scale
00:16:38 Adding the 6 (A) = C6
00:18:03 Attach a memory, meaning, name, sound to each chord to be able to audiate the kind of sound it will make
00:20:47 Identifying intervals by ear, attaching songs to different intervals and the value of singing
00:21:56 Playing and singing harmonies
00:24:26 Sing your licks with an example from Dan, developing your unique sound and playing melodically
00:32:36 You only get that personal stamp on your sound when someone chases the sound in their head
00:33:13 Make sure you practice engaging your ears and listening to the rest of the band when you play and be responsive
00:35:09 The next note is the 7 (B) forming a CMaj7
00:35:44 How the chords are structured with the order of the notes within the chords
00:36:48 Another exercise is to keep the different chords close together on the fretboard
00:37:59 Recap of all the chord types we have got so far and using them as substitutions when playing rhythm
00:39:43 Example of using substitutions
00:39:56 Introducing the Blues as using dominant 7th instead of major 7th – or chords forming from the Mixolydian mode instead of the major scale
00:43:58 Mustang Sally as 7th chord song
00:44:55 So now we move to the second octave
00:45:44 Forming a C9 by stacking the b7 and the 9
00:46:20 Stacking the major7 with a 9 = Cmaj9
00:47:25 Stacking a C9 (1,3,5,7,9) with an 11 = C11
00:48:56 Minor version with the minor 3rd instead of the major 3rd
00:50:15 The need on the guitar to drop some notes – first the 3rd, or 5th
00:50:49 Adding the 13 (A) = C13
00:53:47 The other thing to do when exploring chords is to find inversions
00:55:39 Demonstrating substituting dominant chords – C7, C9, C13, etc..
00:56:23 Demonstrating substituting major 7th chords with maj9 maj13, etc.
00:56:30 Homework: take other scales and run through the same exercise (perhaps also the modes)
00:59:23 Covering chords which fall out of the key and a quick discussion of George Harrison as a guitarist
01:00:52 Lick from I Feel Fine
01:01:06 Mention of Chet Atkins influence on George Harrison
01:02:19 Return to the topic of quick discussion of chords which fall slightly out of key

39 notes

Tune in Tone up News:

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Tune in Tone up meeting, masterclass and workshop

  1. Firstly, a great way to connect with us is through our Facebook page, Twitter account and website emailing list.  Quite a few of our listeners have been in touch via our Facebook page, where you can also find pictures of both me and Dan; our guitars, amps and pedalboards.  We are based in the South of England and over the next few months we are planning a Tune in Tone up meeting, masterclass and workshop.  If you are based locally or could travel to Brighton, like this idea and want to be involved, then let us know that you’re interested and stay active on our Facebook page for developments.
  2. Secondly, if you have ideas for future lessons, questions or want help with anything we have covered (tabs can be organised for a small fee), then don’t hesitate to contact us.  Rodney recently got in touch with us and we had a really interesting discussion about the woods guitars are made from and as a result he has a new guitar.  Also, Carlos has been in touch several times inspiring a couple of our recent lessons.  Iam has been in touch and has gained some direction in his practice and is going to take some monthly lessons with Dan.
  3. Finally, we appreciate all ratings and reviews especially via iTunes.  These really help our podcast to get noticed by more people.  Any shares via Facebook, Twitter or good old fashioned word of mouth are also gratefully received.  If anyone is interested in donating, then find us on Patreon where we offer Skype lessons and other goodies.

Musical – U


Please remember our recommendation for a superb group of musicians who are working tirelessly to bring a brilliant website to help people develop their musicality:

“I have just become a member of Musical-U and I have to say that their attention to detail and understanding of how to develop musicality is second to none.  Their vision and view on the importance of ear training and rhythmic development really fits in well with our own rationale.  I really recommend checking them out and also listening to the Musicality podcast which Christopher Sutton, the Director of Musical-U, hosts.  If you want some deep insights into music, start listening and join the community.”



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